
Why Voltorb Trolls

explosion Memes Pokémemes theory - 6063285248
Created by Darverses

Ultimate Secret Base!

ORAS blissey secret base - 8389325824
Created by ArkenFlare

Barbaracle Used Taunt

barbaracle - 8534620160
Created by Ancient_sun
pokemon looker memes

21 Looker Memes That Prove Looker is the Best Character in Pokémon

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Xavier Knows What's Up

swag tm87 pokemon x/y - 7831989248
Via kosthedin

Be Thankful Not All Kids Love CoD

call of duty kids Pokémon rage comic Rage Comics - 6367796992
Created by CaptainBadass

The Truth About Blastoise

Pokémon dorkly blastoise comics - 7346095616
Via Dorkly

Gotta Get Down on Friday

FRIDAY meme perish song philosoarcheops - 5719657728
Created by Cod_of_War

I've Lost Many Battles to Groin Kick

best of week gameplay kecleon pikachu - 5191443712
Via legacy-cdn.smosh.com

Why, Steven, Why?

elite four gameplay steven stone wallace - 6393132800

I See Chu

anime awesome flowers pikachu - 6991575296


Memes slowpoke - 8156721152
Created by CutieFennekin


FAIL Memes milotic - 6151993600
Created by PhilLovesPorygonZ

Those Are Some Expensive Shoes

art best of week IRL meme shoes - 5964926208
Created by pokeluna

lyk if u cri everytim

Pokémon shiny - 8361170688
Via immer

Zubat and Rattata Everywhere!

black and white 2 meme castelia sewers - 6650297856
Created by Harmar921