
We Need This Game

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What am I Doing With My Life?

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Via Vexilum

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つPRAISE HELIX༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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Via Peanut_butter_baby

Lord Helix, or Lord of the Dance?

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Bambi Xerneas

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Stop Asking Me!

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Aaaaand Sylveon is Still Not Flying Type

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Created by CutieFennekin ( Via unaf )
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Pokémon Pick Up Lines @ Katsucon 2015

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Failing to Catch a Shiny is Always Heartbreaking

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Ho! Ho! Hoenn!!

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Can't Glide Over a Two Foot Gap?

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Mega Evolution Pokédex

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Not Now, Mom! You're Embarrassing Me in Front of Red!

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Check Out Gameplay From the Demo of Pokémon ORAS

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