

He's Just Not That Into You, Mom...

Sad forever alone gameplay - 7052305408
Created by PhilLovesPorygonZ

Pikachu's Face Says It All...WTF

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Created by pokemonrapmusic

I Don't Want to Live on This Planet Anymore...

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Created by horrorpie

Kid Realizes Pokémon Aren't Real, Writes a Sad Letter to Santa

Text - Dear Santa Ineed Some advice for how to maKe Pokemon Real.WhY do NEED SOne ve be(ause Can not 9et POkempn Out oF my mind need a ver g00d pswer, Lf You have a answer Piease send messAG back from kinnell
Via @kfan

Gotta Catch Ya Later

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Via LiliumLied

Please Love Me

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Via arikado12

Nobody Ever Uses Me...

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Flannery is a Jerk

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Created by .Rumor

Not Enough PP

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Created by PetePete

I'd Take That Poor Charmander

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Created by SirKilmoreRyan

The Sadness Is Profound...

Via flaming__charmander

Faith in Humanity Has Been Destroyed

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Created by arckachu

Poor Brock

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Nightmare Fuel

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Via Distractedone

You Guys Are Hurting His Feelings

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Via 0okami-Rei

Long Day in the Office, but You Just Ben & Jerry's About It

Via willfosho