

I Was So Stupid Back Then

nurse joy pokerus rage comic Rage Comics rare Sad - 6394008064

This is the Way to Make a Wish Come True

Sad Pokémon comics - 7008191232
Created by Not_Important_At_All

PETA, Destroying Childhoods One Psychotic Flash Game at a Time

peta Pokémon anime Sad idiots - 6659303936
Created by DEXTERincarnate ( Via TheChildhoodImprover )

My Eyes Were Puffy for Days

ash cry emotional pikachu Sad - 4917796352
Via pokemontime.tumblr.com

Pokémon Problems

best of week gen 1 Memes pokemon problems Sad - 5779171840

It's Super Depressing!

cut Sad emo - 6629369344
Via pinsir

It's the Only Way I Get Through the Summer

forever alone game Sad - 4966222848
Via lilllymon.tumblr.com

Poor Wobbuffet

Sad Pokémon wobbuffet - 8397125888
Via The Hand on Your Shoulder

The Saddest Realization

meme Memes pikachu reality Sad - 6224554496
See all captions Created by lucas_fg

The Adventures of Slowpoke - Visiting Grandpa

Sad Fan Art slowpoke - 8590669568
Via mdbruinart

Geodude Has (More Than) Fainted

Sad Pokémon Fan Art geodude - 8013857536
Via iguanamouth

Can You Even Imagine?

Via Ry-Spirit

Gotta Catch Ya Later

Sad goodbye anime TV - 6978007808

Forever Unadopted

bidoof comic forever alone Okay pikachu Sad - 5209667328
Via FYeahPika

Diglett Wednesday: Like a Turtle on Its Back?

diglett diglett wednesday Memes Sad turtle - 5229927424
Via gottacatchemall.tumblr.com

A Fan's Story of a Lost Partner...

Sad Pokémon dogs - 6718248704
Via patrickseymourva