Geek Universe


31 memes about dungeons and dragons | thumbnail includes two pictures of dnd memes

31 Dungeons & Dragons Memes for Adventurous Souls Who Seek Laughter (March 26, 2024)

Welcome, brave traveler, to a realm where humor and fantasy intertwine. As you enter the ancient castle, its stone walls echoing with the whispers of ages past, you find yourself face to face with a skeleton guard. With a swift roll of the dice, you vanquish the foe, its bones clattering to the ground. Your victory is short-lived, however, as you soon stumble upon a treasure far greater than gold: an ancient tome, its pages filled with the sacred texts of 31 Dungeons & Dragons memes . As you le…
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Young Dungeons and Dragons Player Kicked out of Campaign 1 Year Into the Game Due to Their Age, Internet Comes to Their Defense

Young Dungeons and Dragons Player Kicked out of Campaign 1 Year Into the Game Due to Their Age, Internet Comes to Their Defense

Sorry, you're not old enough to play with us anymore.
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A Critical Hit of 42 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for Adventurous Gamers Competing for Dungeon Master

A Critical Hit of 42 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for Adventurous Gamers Competing for Dungeon Master

Your heart thumps like a drum in your chest... You have encountered a fire breathing dragon who has held your friend captive. What do you do next?
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41 memes about dungeons and dragons | thumbnail includes two pictures of dnd memes

41 Dungeons & Dragons Memes for Adventurous Souls Who Seek Laughter (March 23, 2024)

Welcome, brave traveler, to a realm where humor and fantasy intertwine. As you enter the ancient castle, its stone walls echoing with the whispers of ages past, you find yourself face to face with a skeleton guard. With a swift roll of the dice, you vanquish the foe, its bones clattering to the ground. Your victory is short-lived, however, as you soon stumble upon a treasure far greater than gold: an ancient tome, its pages filled with the sacred texts of 41 Dungeons & Dragons memes . As you le…
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A Critical Hit of 37 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for Adventurous Gamers Competing for Dungeon Master

A Critical Hit of 37 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for Adventurous Gamers Competing for Dungeon Master

May the best creature win
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33 memes about dungeons and dragons | thumbnail includes two pictures of dnd memes

33 Dungeons & Dragons Memes for Adventurous Souls Who Seek Laughter

Welcome, brave traveler, to a realm where humor and fantasy intertwine. As you enter the ancient castle, its stone walls echoing with the whispers of ages past, you find yourself face to face with a skeleton guard. With a swift roll of the dice, you vanquish the foe, its bones clattering to the ground. Your victory is short-lived, however, as you soon stumble upon a treasure far greater than gold: an ancient tome, its pages filled with the sacred texts of 33 Dungeons & Dragons memes . As you le…
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31 memes about dungeons and dragons | thumbnail includes two pictures of dnd memes

31 Dungeons & Dragons Memes for Adventurous Souls Who Seek Laughter

Welcome, brave traveler, to a realm where humor and fantasy intertwine. As you enter the ancient castle, its stone walls echoing with the whispers of ages past, you find yourself face to face with a skeleton guard. With a swift roll of the dice, you vanquish the foe, its bones clattering to the ground. Your victory is short-lived, however, as you soon stumble upon a treasure far greater than gold: an ancient tome, its pages filled with the sacred texts of 31 Dungeons & Dragons memes . As you le…
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41 memes about dungeons and dragons | thumbnail includes two pictures of dnd memes

41 Dungeons & Dragons Memes for Adventurous Souls Who Seek Laughter

Welcome, brave traveler, to a realm where humor and fantasy intertwine. As you enter the ancient castle, its stone walls echoing with the whispers of ages past, you find yourself face to face with a skeleton guard. With a swift roll of the dice, you vanquish the foe, its bones clattering to the ground. Your victory is short-lived, however, as you soon stumble upon a treasure far greater than gold: an ancient tome, its pages filled with the sacred texts of 41 Dungeons & Dragons memes . As you le…
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Dungeon Master Considers Ending Game for Good After Having to Beg Players to Schedule Game Nights

Dungeon Master Considers Ending Game for Good After Having to Beg Players to Schedule Game Nights

Is this Dungeon Master in the right, or the wrong?
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48 memes about dungeons and dragons | thumbnail includes two pictures of dnd memes

48 Dungeons & Dragons Memes for Adventurous Souls Who Seek Laughter

Welcome, brave traveler, to a realm where humor and fantasy intertwine. As you enter the ancient castle, its stone walls echoing with the whispers of ages past, you find yourself face to face with a skeleton guard. With a swift roll of the dice, you vanquish the foe, its bones clattering to the ground. Your victory is short-lived, however, as you soon stumble upon a treasure far greater than gold: an ancient tome, its pages filled with the sacred texts of 48 Dungeons & Dragons memes . As you le…
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38 memes about dungeons and dragons | thumbnail includes two pictures of dnd memes

38 Dungeons & Dragons Memes for Adventurous Souls Who Seek Laughter

Welcome, brave traveler, to a realm where humor and fantasy intertwine. As you enter the ancient castle, its stone walls echoing with the whispers of ages past, you find yourself face to face with a skeleton guard. With a swift roll of the dice, you vanquish the foe, its bones clattering to the ground. Your victory is short-lived, however, as you soon stumble upon a treasure far greater than gold: an ancient tome, its pages filled with the sacred texts of 38 Dungeons & Dragons memes . As you le…
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Dungeon Master Crafts Note for Players but Forgets to Write Down Translation, Internet Hilariously Helps Him Crack the Code

Dungeon Master Crafts Note for Players but Forgets to Write Down Translation, Internet Hilariously Helps Him Crack the Code

When you need help deciphering a code, fear not, for the internet loves coming to the rescue.
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A Critical Hit of 44 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for Guarded Gamers Running a Tavern

A Critical Hit of 44 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for Guarded Gamers Running a Tavern

Keep close watch of your surroundings...
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38 memes about dungeons and dragons | thumbnail includes two pictures of dnd memes

35 Dungeons & Dragons Memes for Adventurous Souls Who Seek Laughter

Welcome, brave traveler, to a realm where humor and fantasy intertwine. As you enter the ancient castle, its stone walls echoing with the whispers of ages past, you find yourself face to face with a skeleton guard. With a swift roll of the dice, you vanquish the foe, its bones clattering to the ground. Your victory is short-lived, however, as you soon stumble upon a treasure far greater than gold: an ancient tome, its pages filled with the sacred texts of 35 Dungeons & Dragons memes . As you le…
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A Critical Hit of 39 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for Adventurous Gamers Competing for Dungeon Master

A Critical Hit of 39 Dungeons and Dragons Memes for Adventurous Gamers Competing for Dungeon Master

May the best character win
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Dungeon Masters Share the Most Entertaining Things They Keep From Players in Their Dungeons and Dragons Campaign

Dungeon Masters Share the Most Entertaining Things They Keep From Players in Their Dungeons and Dragons Campaign

Fun fact, nobody knows what they're doing.
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