

Looking at the Height and Weight of Pokémon is Weird

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Created by J-T-E ( Via The Pokemon Center )

The Most Interesting Professor

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Created by TheKaelkinator

Dunsparce - The Huge, Writhing Snake of Death

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Created by DineshThePoet

He Drew a Picture and Everything

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Created by Kehteh

That's No Pokémon

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Espurr Deserves the 666th Spot in the Pokédex

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Via HeartStringsXIII

We Are Actually All Jealous of Your National Dex

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Not That Kind of Fight...

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Created by TropicalChickens ( Via John Jarvis )

Which Pokédex Design Do You Like the Most?

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Created by DineshThePoet

Pokédex Logic

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Via comicpress


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Created by Fiery_Killer

What the Heck Just Happened

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Created by PokeyMew

We'll Never Know

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One Does Not Simply Get Too Old for Pokémon

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Created by Clucknadus

Dexter Analyze!

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Created by YakuzaDuragon

Hipster Pokédex

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