

Wax on, Wax Off

Pokémon gifs pikachu - 8369309184

Come at Yveltal!

gif gifs come at me bro yveltal - 6958451968
Created by NightCreeps

My Eyes Are Up Here, Ash

Pokémon gifs anime serena - 8445707520
Via Pokemon Anime

Grumpy Hawlucha

gifs hawlucha - 8134577664
Created by MegaManLight

Whenever I Hear Someone Mention Pokémon

Pokémon gifs quagsire - 7752249856

Oh God, What's Happening to Me?

Pokémon wtf gifs - 8194747392

When Brock Gives You That Look

pokemon and chill

Watching a Fight on the Internet

Pokémon gifs - 8449127168
Created by Luchabro

Studying is Like Being a Magikarp

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Via klubs

Europeans Trying to Dodge Spoilers

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Via JamesGoodchild

Digifriday: When Someone Gets Pokémon and Digimon Mixed Up

digimon memes gargomon gif
Via eolo

ZOMG You Touched Me!

pokemon memes eevee flareon gif
Via chanyeol

Business Kakuna Before the Big Interview

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Via PeekingBoo

Diglett Wednesday - Diglett Wright: Aerial Ace Attorney

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Via joshy206

Fabulous Dance Moves

hawlucha gifs - 8524283904
Created by Luchabro

Hold On!

Pokémon gifs anime rhyhorn - 7898561280
Created by TheGengar