

When Someone Asks if You're Ready for the Test Today

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Via neogohan

The Most Stressful Moment of Your Childhood

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Via missyandere

Siebold's Fangirls

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Created by MegaManLight

Pokémon Go on Flights

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Created by Luchabro ( Via kezrekade.tumblr.com )

PROTIP: Just Use Repel

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Twitch Plays Pokémon: The Emulator’s Point of View

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Created by Nicolas_M

Hey There

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Via ojous

I'm Guessing You See the White Hand on Your Shoulder

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Moby Kyogre

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Via dragonslayermage

And You Thought Espurr Was Creepy

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Do the Right Thing, Ash!

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Lucario's Good at Acrobatics...

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Created by TommyVercetti ( Via lucariofujiwara )

Pikachu Wants You to Meet His Friends!

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Oh, James

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Created by mashed_potatos

Bye Bye Butterfree... Go Do Sex

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