

I'm Still Waiting for That Day...

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Created by Me-Gusta-69

We Got a Badass Trainer Over Here

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Created by DragonLordAce
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Ash Meets Serena (in Kanto)

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If Only Ash Still Had His Classic Hat, PokéSistah

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We Accidentally Our Faces

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Ash, the Player, is Out

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Created by Snowphie

Ash Ketchum: Pokémon Master

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Created by Donnelly

I've NEVER Seen a Shiny Without the Poké Radar

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See all captions Created by turkeys

Hot Frillish on Ash Action

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Created by David_the_Bored

Well Then...

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Created by pazuzu1694

Why Does it Have to Be This Way?

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Is This Why Ash Looks Older?

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Taking Glory for Team Rocket Blast Off

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Created by GasMaskedMonkey

So Much for the Friendzone

Animated cartoon
Created by Houndoom-Kaboom ( Via houndoom-kaboom )

So That's Why He Looks Different

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Created by 123jerome

Walking Your Dog in the Morning Pondering All Life's Innermost Complexities

Via ang-zi-ety