

It Could Be Anything, Really

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Created by danblackmore

Ash's Battle Strategy

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Dexter Analyze!

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Created by YakuzaDuragon

You're Never Gonna Keep Me Down!

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It Feels Like You Can Hear This

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Via thepkmncenter

Pokémon Breeding Sure is Weird

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Via Pokemon Anime

Innocent Helioptile is Innocent

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Created by Aussie-Helioptile

Pokémon is So Meta

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WTF Pikachu

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Via neogohann

Mega Mewtwo Y Has No Chill

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Created by Guilherme.didi


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Created by YakuzaDuragon

Ash, You Idiot!

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Via Latiox

Magical Girls and Their Pokémon

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Via The Path to Hope

Mega Charizard X is Badass

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Created by DineshThePoet

When I See a Pokémon Repost...

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It'll Be Alright Caterpie

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