Geek Universe


video game advisor, video games, loading screen tip, npcs, gaming memes, funny, advice, wholesome, gaming

Entertaining Times NPCs and Loading Screens Gave Surprisingly Wise Life Advice in Video Games

Video games are gifts that keep on giving
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a video featuring all four hobbit actors on a panel at comic con | thumbnail includes a picture of the four hobbit actors

Four Hobbits Walk Into a Comic Con: A Charming LOTR Hobbits Panel at Atlanta Comic Con

It's amazing to see how much they resemble their characters IRL
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Friends' bookstore idea starts out all cheery, and then just keeps on going | Leanne Brown @LanLanLanBan couple nights ago couldn't sleep because spent three hours imagining myself owning bookshop also sold baked goods. 20:19 08/08/2016 Twitter iPhone ili View Tweet activity 2 Likes Jasmine @_JAZZ 09/08/2016 v Replying LanLanLanBan Leanne reckon this is viable business option and l'd like us pursue dream together

Friends' Bookstore Idea Starts Out Positive, Keeps On Going

Well, this is unreasonably adorable.
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nice wholesome memes | become regular at place and they learn name and start asking about day possum with shining eyes blushing

Wholesome Memes for a Healthy Boost

It couldn't hurt.
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Wholeseome, nice and positive memes | My wife took our cat vet and my son told vet his toy dinosaur feeling bad, so vet gave an X-ray

Wholesome Memes for a Little Boost

Sometimes things can be alright.
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wholesome twitter story about Keanu Reeves at Sydney movie theater.

Dude's Wholesome Keanu Reeves Story Is So On-Brand It Hurts

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