video games


Dark Souls Player Pulls off Nothing Short of a Miracle, and Kills Pontiff Sulyvahn in One Fu**Ing Hit


This Fallout Side Quest Was Literally Too Sick and Shockingly Twisted to Make the Final Cut


This Painting of the Head-Chuckin' Boss From Altered Beast Screams 'Rise From Your Grave!'


This Guy's Face Swap With Fallout's Vault Boy Bobble Head Is the Stuff of Nightmares

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Fallout New Vegas Mod Touts Some Straight up Neo From the Matrix Player Capabilities

trolling controversy league of legends video games - 79806721

League of Legends Master Troll, Tyler 1's Permanently Banned From the Game

Video Game Coverage video games Video - 79829761

Watch the Official Announce Trailer for Dawn of War 3


Creators of World of Warcraft's Nostalrius Server Announce They'll Be Meeting With the Developer

bethesda doom Video Game Coverage video games - 79897345

Check out the Doom Launch Trailer, and Prepare to Board the Hype Train Right After

battleborn overwatch Video Game Coverage video games - 79779585

Watch the Official Launch Trailer for Battleborn

super smash bros animation video games Video - 79805953

30 Animators Combined Forces to Remake the Intro to Super Smash Bros. Melee


People Are Dressing up and Slaying Produce With Flaming Swords Like Real Life Fruit Ninjas

call of duty Video Game Coverage video games space - 79804673

Watch the Debut Call of Duty: Infinite War Trailer


Overwatch Beta Dropped Today for Those With Early Access, Let's Get a Discussion Rolling on Initial Reactions


Devilishly Deceitful

bethesda fallout Video Game Coverage fallout 4 video games - 79851777

Watch the First Trailer for Fallout 4 - Far Harbor