video games

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New Footage Reveals Doom Hitting 200 FPS Running on GTX 1080 Graphics Card

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Star Wars Battlefront Player Takes Tree Trunk to Face in Failworthy Fashion


Of the 6 Games Inducted Into the Video Game Hall of Fame Which One Do You Think Was Most Deserving?

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This Hearthstone Animation About Wacky Game Mechanics Is Kind of Absolutely Spot-On

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Real Life Wizard Crafts Amazing Dark Souls 3 PS4 out of Polished Rosewood and Brushed Aluminum

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Video Game Characters Are in Trouble When Their Power-Ups Get Mixed Up

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Watch This Legend of Zelda Chinese Crime Drama Short Film, and Potentially Love the Sh*t out of It



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This Video of Betty White Talking MOBA Games Is a Testament to the Fact She Should Probably Start a League of Legends Stream


This Beautiful Screenshot of Mexico From Red Dead Redemption Has Me so Ready for That Sequel Right Now

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Player Creates Pokémon Battles in Halo 5 Forge, and the Results Are Highly Entertaining to Watch

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'The Division' Meets Drake's Hotline Bling for an Absolutely Brilliant Parody

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In Honor of Mother's Day, Here's a Kid That Combusts Into a Mushroom Cloud of Rage After His Mom Cancels His WoW Account


Production Set to Begin on a New Star Wars Game by the Minds Behind the Call of Duty, and God of War Series

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Capture the Flag


Dark Souls Player Pulls off Nothing Short of a Miracle, and Kills Pontiff Sulyvahn in One Fu**Ing Hit