lord of the rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

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Just the Man For the Job



Lord of the Rings Game of Thrones Video - 79829249

George R.R. Martin and J.R.R. Tolkien Face Off in This Epic Rap Battle

sometimes you need an old white guy

I Bet If Bernie Grew a Beard, He'd Get the Nomination

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The Way Is Shut. It Was Made by Those Who Are Derp, and the Derp Keep It.

Lord of the Rings pr0n The Hobbit parody - 78695937

This Hobbit Porn Parody is Significantly More Clever Than Anticipated

Lord of the Rings - 78598401

Enjoy This Beautiful Rendition of Arwen's Song

frodo lore Lord of the Rings Video - 78533121

Ever Wondered Why Frodo Left at the End?

Lord of the Rings superheroes suicide squad - 78027777

The Fellowship of the Ring is the Suicide Squad Middle Earth Needs

trailers Lord of the Rings Video suicide squad - 77771521

The Lord of the Rings Edited in the Style of the Suicide Squad Trailer Proves Just How Unreliable Trailers Can Be

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When Bae Proposes Like This, There's No Way You Can Say No

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This Custom Lord of the Rings Lightsaber is the Coolest Engagement Gift

science gollum This Creepy New Arachnid is Named After Smeagol From 'Lord of the Rings'

Precious of the Day: This Creepy New Arachnid is Named After Smeagol From 'Lord of the Rings'

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Tolkien Cakes Look Good Enough To Read

12th Doctor Lord of the Rings - 8567533824

Lord of The Rings of Akhaten

Architects launch an Indiegogo campaign to build a full minas tirith from Lord of the Rings.

Big Dream of the Day: Architects Launch a Crowdfunding Campaign to Build an Actual, Life-Sized Lord of the Rings City