lord of the rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

Funny, nerdy dank and dumb memes about lord of the rings, jrr tolkien | One Ring Frodo Samwise Gamgee Aragorn Mr. Bean carried by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stalone | Isengard destroyed, flooded and occupied by walking trees Merry and Pippin: GANDALFS.MEMES two people sitting on a bench surrounded by water

Tolkien Tuesday #16: 50 Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Funny memes about lord of the rings, peter jackson, tolkien tuesdays, ents, funny memes, dank memes | hear somebody say Dumbledore could beat Gandalf. Michael Jordan removing headphones | Disgusting things LotR: Denethor eating one tomato |Orcs eating each other pie chart

Tolkien Tuesdays: 30 Fresh & Funny Lord Of The Rings Memes

Tolkien Tuesdays, fresh lord of the rings memes, hobbits, leonardo dicaprio laughing | still waiting second breakfast Pablo Pippin as Escobar standing around | Frodo Rivendell am ready go home. Elrond ShireDweller laughing Leonardo DiCaprio

Tolkien Tuesdays: Forty-Two Fresh & Funny 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

lord of the rings forod and sam

Someone Figured Out How Far Frodo and Sam Walked

Funny memes about Lord of the Rings

Roundup Of Lord Of The Rings Memes For The Super-Fans

facts about lord of the rings

Another Round of 20 Lord of the Rings Facts That You Should Know (Part 3)

behind the scene of lord of the rings

27 Facts You Didn't Know About the FILMING of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Lord of the Rings facts

20 More Facts That Every 'Lord of the Rings' Fan Should Know

facts about the movie Lord of the Rings

20 Facts That Every 'Lord of the Rings' fan Should Know

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Tolkien-Related Memes For Lord Of The Rings Junkies (50 Nerdy Memes)

Funny memes about 'Lord of the Rings'

'Lord Of The Rings' Memes For The Tolkien Fiends (18 Memes)

Funny dungeons and dragons memes. | Dice -  REACHOUT 61 PUSH ORC OFF BRIDGE 6 BUT INSTEAD LIGHTLY CARESS HIS BACK HE IS UNCOMFORTABLE imap.com Unlike- Comment- Share and 58 others like this 91 shares Orc reflexively goes crush larynx response (die rolls but instead intwines his fingers hair fear another 1 could mean an awkward letter home morning Years and several critical failures later, Borgog, Scourge Thundercaves, thinks back on he met his husband Tuergar Trueheart and chuckles different tim

20+ Hilarious D&D Memes For The Dungeon Freaks

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15 Witty Tumblr Posts For Those Craving A Dash Of Humor

lord of the ring memes

The Lord of the Rings in 50 Memes

parks and recreation Lord of the Rings - 1426693

'Parks and Rec' Meets 'The Lord of The Rings' in This Glorious Mashup

saruman Lord of the Rings - 8997155840

When You Let Your Dog Out and it Returns a Servent of Saruman