
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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40+ Dank Memes & Sh*tposts That'll Make You Lose It

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Wildly Unexpected Tinder Pickup Lines That Spotlight Tinder for the Circus That It Is

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16 Dirty Times Tinder Lived Up To Its Terribly Senseless And Immature Reputation

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99 Memes For The Expert Procrastinators

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Tinder Glitches Out And Hilariously Matches Two Dudes Together Without Them Knowing

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This Webcomic About Deal Breakers Is Getting Meme'd To Hell And Back

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Artist Illustrates Her Worst Tinder Conversations And It’s Hilarious

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25 Tumblr Sh*tposts For When You Have Nothing Better To Do

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The Force is Totally With This Guy Who Turned His Tinder Profile Into a Stormtrooper


Super Socially Awkward Dude Shares Devastating Story About His Failed Romantic Move on Star Wars Date

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Dude Leaves Mortal Kombat-Themed Sex Advice to Neighbors That Keep Bothering Him With Loud Sex

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People Are Losing Their Minds on Twitter Right Now Over This Bizarre Dating Simulator Called, 'My Horse Prince'

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Guy Chooses Destiny Video Game Over Hanging out with Girlfriend, and Dodges the 'Crazy Bullet' in the Process

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Girl's Boyfriend Points out She's Dressed Like Pinhead Larry, and People Are Losing It

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Guy's Girlfriend Helped His Mom Turn a Pumpkin into Koffing for a Work Competition, and This Absolutely Deserves First Prize

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Guy's Girlfriend Cries out Overwatch Character's Name in the Heat of Passion, and He Made the Mistake of Asking the Internet about It