

Sea Anemone Bulbasaur Loves to Swim

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20 of Our Favorite Pokémon Crossovers

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An Artist Drew Pokémon as People and These Definitely Need Their Own Manga Series

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This Artist's Awesome Pokémon Fusions Deserve a Game of Their Own

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Guy Creates a Fallout 4 Bob Ross Episode, and It Exceeds Our Wildest Expectations

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Take a Tour of the Star Trek-Themed Home Theater That Costs More than the USS Enterprise

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Artist Combines Dickbutt with a Ton of Pokémon and the Results Are Amazing

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Stephen King Recreates Batman Short Story In Audio Form, And Of Course It's Amazing

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People out There Are Getting Real Creative with Their Larger than Life Snorlax Cushions

pikacuh small adaptable rodent like pokemon notable for their electrical abilities pikachu are covered in bright yellow fur with brown accents on the tips of their antennae their tail is used for balance when standing upright and can signal the creature's mood they are omnivorous but with small mouths blunted teeth and clumsy paws pikachu can only eat meat opportunistically

The PokéNatomy Art Series Provides a Fascinating Look at How Some of Our Favorite Pokémon Function Internally


The Sun Rose

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It's Time You Met Godzilla Resurgence's Motion Capture Actor, Mansai Nomura

The Simplistic Beauty of This Jellyfish Just Made My Day a Whole Lot Better

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HBO Debuts Westworld Trailer and It's Pretty Much Game of Thrones with a Bunch of Robot Cowboys

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Brock Baker Is a God Amongst Men When It Comes to Cartoon Impressions

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Clever Guy Playing Dark Souls 3 Hides in Plain Sight from an Invader Better than a Bat in a Cave