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Watch James Cameron Tiptoe Hardcore Around Whether or Not He Likes 'The Force Awakens'

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Overwatch Players Stage an All McCree Shootout in the Desert, and It Is High F**king Noon!

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This Dude's Game of Thrones Impressions are Incredible

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Here's That Eerie Piano Music From the Season Finale's Incredible Opening Sequence

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This Overwatch v. Undertale Mashup Song Pulls Elements from Each Game for All the Good Feels

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Kit Harington Got Into a Fight at McDonalds the Night Before His Jon Snow Audition Because of Course

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Deranged Guy Experiments on a Bunch of People in Video Games, and the Final Product's Always Amazing

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Watch This Dude Shoot Flames from His Face with a Real Life Cyclops Visor

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"Shame of Thrones" Captures a Day in the Life of Someone Who Doesn't Watch the Hit HBO Show

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President Obama Tries to Name All the Game of Thrones Characters That Have Died so Far

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The White Walkers Have an Accountant and He Is Not Happy

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Deadpool's Back at It Again to Share Five Easter Eggs We Might've All Missed in the X-Men Apocalypse Trailer

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This Cockatiel Is the Ultimate "Game of Thrones" Fan

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Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Releases New Ilvermorny Story and Video

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"How to Train Your Drogon" Is Exactly What You Think It Is