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Bethesda Partnered With MyMiniFactory to Create a Life-Size Replica of the BFG Gun From DOOM

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It Looks Like Rey Went to the Wrong Planet

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Finally, One Punch Man Is Getting an English Dub!

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Our Favorite Mouthy Merc, Deadpool Takes on Candy Crush in Real Life for One Ridiculous Video

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The Dawn of Feline Justice Is Now, in Batcat v Supercat

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Spongebob Squarepants v Pokémon GO Video Perfectly Captures the Excitement of Stomping Round the Neighborhood All Night to Catch 'Em All

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This Suicide Squad Styling of Game of Thrones Will Get You Pumped for Next Season

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This Fanmade Tribute to Tyrion Lannister Proves He Was Destined for Greatness

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Stephen Colbert Cracking Jokes About Suicide Squad!

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This Multi Whistle Cover of the Game of Thrones Theme is Fantastic

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Don't Stick It in the Crazy

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Game of Throlls Is a Cartoon Parody of the Show That Really Sums Things Up

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"Throne Wars" Takes Scenes From Game of Thrones and Sets Them to Star Wars Audio

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Frank Grillo Said That Crossbones Could Take the Hulk, and Honestly, What the Hell Is He Talking About

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BoJack Horseman Is a Bonafide Movie Star in the Official Trailer for Season 3

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This Fanmade Tribute to Jon Snow Will Give You so Many Goosebumps