
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

What Is the Biggest Story Flaw in the Harry Potter Series? Charming Potterheads Discuss in a Magical Debate

What Is the Biggest Story Flaw in the Harry Potter Series? Charming Potterheads Discuss in a Magical Debate

30 Anime Screencaps That Mention Every Date in November, from the 1st to the 30th, Forming an Anime Calendar

30 Anime Screencaps That Mention Every Date in November, from the 1st to the 30th, Forming an Anime Calendar

‘Harry isn't more special than anyone else’: Devoted Potterheads Magically Discuss Whether Harry Potter’s Success Came from Real Talent or Sheer Luck

‘Harry isn't more special than anyone else’: Devoted Potterheads Magically Discuss Whether Harry Potter’s Success Came from Real Talent or Sheer Luck

Anime Fans Discuss Which Anime Did Not Do the Manga Justice in Online Venting Session

Anime Fans Discuss Which Anime Did Not Do the Manga Justice in Online Venting Session

‘They make no sense’: Potterheads Share Their Hot Takes on Harry and Ginny’s Relationship in a Heated Magical Discussion

‘They make no sense’: Potterheads Share Their Hot Takes on Harry and Ginny’s Relationship in a Heated Magical Discussion

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25 Bizarre Facts About the World That Sound Straight Out of a Sci-Fi Novel but Are Totally True

‘Huge missed opportunity’: Enchanting Potterheads Discuss The Potential of a Plot Where Dudley Has a Magical Child of His Own

‘Huge missed opportunity’: Enchanting Potterheads Discuss The Potential of a Plot Where Dudley Has a Magical Child of His Own

30+ Hilarious and Surreal Snapshots of Mirrors for Sale from the Depths Facebook Marketplace and Craiglist

30+ Hilarious and Surreal Snapshots of Mirrors for Sale from the Depths Facebook Marketplace and Craiglist

‘What is up with those moving stairs?’: Potterheads Share What Minor Magical Detail in the Wizarding World They Wish Got a Bigger Spotlight

‘What is up with those moving stairs?’: Potterheads Share What Minor Magical Detail in the Wizarding World They Wish Got a Bigger Spotlight

‘What are human emotions?’: Devoted BBC’s Sherlock Fans Share What the Brilliant Detective’s Search History Would Contain in a Witty Discussion

‘What are human emotions?’: Devoted BBC’s Sherlock Fans Share What the Brilliant Detective’s Search History Would Contain in a Witty Discussion

Anime Fans Discuss Which Show Desparately Needs Another Season in Hopeful Online Thread filled with Copium

Anime Fans Discuss Which Show Desparately Needs Another Season in Hopeful Online Thread filled with Copium

20+ Spine-Tingling Two Sentence Horror Stories to Read Right Before Bed to Give Yourself the Creeps

20+ Spine-Tingling Two Sentence Horror Stories to Read Right Before Bed to Give Yourself the Creeps

'They sent Harry to the unknown': Potterheads Discuss How Irresponsible the Adults in the Wizarding World Were Towards Harry

'They sent Harry to the unknown': Potterheads Discuss How Irresponsible the Adults in the Wizarding World Were Towards Harry

Anime Fans Discuss: Which Villain Could You Successfully Defend in a Court of Law?

Anime Fans Discuss: Which Villain Could You Successfully Defend in a Court of Law?

‘What she did was unforgivable’: Potterheads Debate What They Would Do if They Were in Aunt Petunia’s Shoes, and if Her Behavior Was Justified

‘What she did was unforgivable’: Potterheads Debate What They Would Do if They Were in Aunt Petunia’s Shoes, and if Her Behavior Was Justified

29 Oddly Specific WikiHow Articles and Their Bizarre, Questionable, Yet Sometimes Poignant Illustration

29 Oddly Specific WikiHow Articles and Their Bizarre, Questionable, Yet Sometimes Poignant Illustrations