
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

‘She sold all my games for $20’: Gamer loses hundreds of dollars when his mom sells his old GameCube and games in a yard sale without telling him

‘She sold all my games for $20’: Gamer loses hundreds of dollars when his mom sells his old GameCube and games in a yard sale without telling him

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30 Horror Movie Fans Pick a Villain to Hypothetically Be Chased by for a Chance at 3 Billion Dollars

Gamers Poorly Describe Their Favorite Video Games, Hilarity Ensues

Gamers Poorly Describe Their Favorite Video Games, Hilarity Ensues

LOTR Fan Discusses the Distance Between Barad Dur to Mount Doom, Receives Amused Responses in Lord of the Rings Thread

LOTR Fan Discusses the Distance Between Barad Dur to Mount Doom, Receives Amused Responses in Lord of the Rings Thread

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Job Applicant Rejected for Revealing She's a Trekkie During Interview: 'My coworker found this to be a red flag'

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Avatar The Last Airbender Fans Speculate Why Toph Didn't Bend the Wood Beneath Her Cell to Escape

Boomers and Gen X Gather on Reddit to Discuss What Really Irks Them About Life

Boomers and Gen X Gather on Reddit to Discuss What Really Irks Them About Life

'They're both open minded and closed minded': People on the Internet Share Gen Z Stereotypes They Agree Are 100% Accurate

'They're both open minded and closed minded': People on the Internet Share Gen Z Stereotypes They Agree Are 100% Accurate

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30 Avid Bookworms Reveal the Worst Decisions Made By Authors

Back to the Future Fans Debate Which Car Would Replace the Iconic DeLorean If the Movie Came Out Today

Back to the Future Fans Debate Which Car Would Replace the Iconic DeLorean If the Movie Came Out Today

The Doctor's Romantic Moments In Doctor Who Summed Up Hilariously In Parody Dating Advice Post

The Doctor's Romantic Moments In Doctor Who Summed Up Hilariously In Parody Dating Advice Post


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Real Ones Don’t Gate Keep: Redditors Share Fun and Bizzare Facts on the Geeky Corner of the World Wide Web

Real Ones Don’t Gate Keep: Redditors Share Fun and Bizzare Facts on the Geeky Corner of the World Wide Web

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'I can't find my phone': 30 Things we say in 2023 that would make absolutely no sense to a time traveler from 1970

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'Squidward just wanted to live a quiet life': 30 Villains that were actually 100% in the right

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30+ Longtime Gamers Demand These "Modern Standards" for Contemporary Games Be Eliminated