
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Geez, Iron Man, You Sure Killed a Lot of People

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Watch Jimmy Fallon Throw Back a Cup of Some Winter Soldier Backwash in This Priceless Game of 'Musical Beers'

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Watch Grant Imahara and Allen Pan Build Real Life Superhero Technology

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Robert Downey Jr. Weights in on Becoming His 20-Year-Old Self in Captain America: Civil War

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The 8-Bit Trailer for Captain America: Civil War Literally Tops Batman v Superman Itself

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The Newest (Best) Deadpool Commercial Wants to Give Guys Erections That'll Last Longer Than 4 Hours

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This Ridiculous Video Puts to Rest Whether or Not Captain America's Shield Could Really Kill a Person

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This Video Perfectly Hones in on the Wealth of Things That Were Just Plain Old Wrong With Elektra

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Bucky's Reaction to the Cast of Captain America: Civil War Singing Together Is Just What Your Day Needed

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Designers Turned a Lamborghini Into a Batmobile, and the Final Product's Kind of Mind-Blowing

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Watch How Batman v Superman Should've Ended in This Comically Absurd, Animated Remake

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Honest Trailers Travels Back in Time to Review Captain America (1990)

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Watch Vision Express His Vast Puzzlement Over the Mind Stone in the Latest Captain America: Civil War Clip

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Thor Weighs in on Not Being Invited to Captain America: Civil War

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Watch Robert Downey Jr.'s Captain America: Civil War Co-Stars Go off on Him for His Village of Trailers

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Karen Fukuhara Talks About Playing Katana and Jared Leto's Method Acting in Suicide Squad