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Honest Trailers Tears The Watchmen a New One

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Watch Suicide Squad's Cara Delevingne Try to Find Margot Robbie & Karen Fukuhara's Nipples

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The Justice League Trailer Gets an Animated Version

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Hilarious Video Depicts How X-Men Apocalypse Should've Ended

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Henry Cavill Went Disguised to Comic-Con and Pranked the Living Hell out of Suicide Squad's Will Smith

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Marvel Unveils Trailers for Defenders, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Daredevil at San Diego Comic-Con

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Thanks to This Fan Edit, the X-Men Apocalypse Trailer Just Got Super Weird

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Harley Quinn Vents to Rob Gronkwoski in the Latest, Strange Suicide Squad Promo Clip

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Deadpool Does a Number on the Walking Dead Trailer and It's Amazing

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Our Favorite Mouthy Merc, Deadpool Takes on Candy Crush in Real Life for One Ridiculous Video

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The Dawn of Feline Justice Is Now, in Batcat v Supercat

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Stephen Colbert Cracking Jokes About Suicide Squad!

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Frank Grillo Said That Crossbones Could Take the Hulk, and Honestly, What the Hell Is He Talking About

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We Can All Quit on the Idea That Any Iron Man Cosplay Will Ever Top This Dude's

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Watch This Dude Shoot Flames from His Face with a Real Life Cyclops Visor

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Deadpool's Back at It Again to Share Five Easter Eggs We Might've All Missed in the X-Men Apocalypse Trailer