
Team Rocket

Pokémon Series Finale

Battle rattata Team Rocket the internets trainer battle zubats - 6131513088

Prepare for Trouble

anime art gifs Team Rocket the internets - 6440908544

All the Pieces Are Coming Together

Pokémon Team Rocket gameplay - 7387432960
Via vwilde89

James IS a Rocket

gifs Team Rocket anime james - 6901884672
Created by Mewtron

Troller Ash

anime Koffing pokedex Team Rocket tv-movies - 6333140736
Created by Unknown

The Uniform is Essential

comic costume disguise Team Rocket - 5038088704
Created by fabricioDAWG

10 Reasons James From Pokémon is Basically Batman

batman Pokémon Team Rocket - 8340854528
Via Snipper64

The Goals of the Team Bosses Over the Years

that escalated quickly Pokémon Team Rocket - 7696363776
Created by VinceTehMan

That Does Explain the Last Sixteen Years

pokemon origins Team Rocket anime - 7843049216
Via AgentPierce

Team Meowth

pokemon memes meowth team rocket
Via ライチー

Team Rocket's Puns Have Really Branched Out

Team Rocket anime puns - 7683785472

Wobbuffet Feels Nothing

Team Rocket anime wobbuffet funny - 7465432832
Created by POKEFAN22

Team Flare in a Nutshell

Via pokemon.lolz

Surrender Now Or Prepare To Fight!

Team Rocket cosplay IRL - 8465463808
Created by YakuzaDuragon

So.,. This is the Whole Story, I Guess?

Pokémon Team Rocket Fan Art wat - 8389902080
Created by pegasistre-12

Wobbuffet Remembers Too

Team Rocket anime Memes pepperidge farm remembers - 6956225024
Created by Mewtron