
Team Rocket

The Fire Stone: It's Like Cinnamon Gum

fire flareon jessie Team Rocket - 4900214016
Via pokemongifs.tumblr.com

Jessie Likes

james jessie Team Rocket tv-movies - 5161332736
Created by Hell_Yeah

Not Only Gonna Catch Pikachu...

crossover james jessie pikachu Team Rocket - 5423185408
Created by jacktheninjadude

Team Sword Slicing at the Speed of Light!

Team Rocket honedge doublade - 7821189120
Created by Pancham

You Won't Like Me When I'm Crying

cubone Pokémemes Sad Team Rocket the internets - 6250342400

Prepare for Trouble and Make It Ash and Misty

pokemon memes ash misty team rocket gif
Via adrixu

Magikarp Used Mush

pokemon memes magikarp water ski
Via venusaurvalley

So Many Rare, Powerful Pokémon

best of week gameplay Pokémon rattata seems legit Team Rocket zubat - 5826924544
Created by Uncia-chan

Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

ash giovanni meme Memes persian Team Rocket - 5263274240
Created by permaboner

You Have to be Kidding Me

anime comic disguise mustache Team Rocket - 6352232704
Created by 493pkmns

You Got That Right

Via p0kegifs

More Like Team Ratchet

Pokémon Team Rocket knockoffs - 8063270912

The Perfect Villain

Pokémon Team Rocket comics - 7782452736
Via JHALLpokemon

I'm So Hungry

james lol meme Memes Team Rocket - 5850364416

True Love

Pokémon Team Rocket speed dating - 8212410624
Via youcancallmejoker

Thaaat's Riiight!

Pokémon Team Rocket - 7698252544
Created by Houndoom-Kaboom