

The One Trainer Who Has a Reason for Catching Shiny Pokémon

Pokémon dorkly shinies web comics - 8018413056
Via Dorkly

1500+ Eggs Just Fly By...

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Created by Frokachu

Finding Shinies in X&Y

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Created by Mikey P

They Would Be Really Rare

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So Close to Disaster

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Starly is Not Amused

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Created by CutieFennekin

You've Got to Be Kidding Me

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Created by murhad.masabbir ( Via Facebook )

Magikarp Doesn't Have to Wait Long to Evolve

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Via itsbirdy

Now My Pokémon Doesn't Feel as Special...

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Via bhumps

A Saying They Have in the Pokémon World

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We Are Always Missing Out on Shinies

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Created by memeguy7

Monochrome Pokémon?

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Created by BudokaiGamer

The Shiniest Pokémon of Them All

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Via 8bitnoob
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Suddenly, a Shiny Magikarp

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The Problem With Repels

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Via shinyscyther

Get Busy!

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Created by psychospacecow ( Via The Gamer Cat )
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