

Good Guy Nintendo

GTS shinies nintendo - 7796894976
Created by RobinGMS

It Better Not Take This Long to Catch a Shiny

Pokémon shinies aging old people funny - 7435256832

The Seven Types of Pokémon Players

arceus Pokémon shinies - 8329360896
Via Dorkly

The Worst Place to Find a Shiny

safari zone Psyduck shinies gameplay funny - 7460692992

Shh... Good Enough for Me

Pokémon shinies - 8424334848
Via Dirtytabs

Sparkle Sparkle!

shinies SpongeBob SquarePants corsola - 8009926912
Created by YakuzaDuragon

The Horror

oh god why shinies - 8323427328
Via thebest-games

Why Shiny Pokémon Are So Rare

Pokémon shinies philosoarcheops - 7756546048
See all captions Created by Freeze4400

Can We Talk About How Amazing Shiny Gardevoir Is!?

gardevoir Pokémon shinies - 7887749632
Created by PokeMasterEfren

Even the Intro Screen Gets a Shiny

Pokémon trolling shinies - 7953715968
Created by MegaManLight

Please Don't Put Me in a PC

pokemon memes sad shiny pokemon comic
Via mdbruin-art

Always Carry Quick Balls

Sad Pokémon shinies - 8362221824
Via Corabal

Time for Shiny Hunting!

dating couples comments relationships shinies - 8354275328
Via IGN Comments

How am I Supposed to Show This Off?

lotad shinies bad luck brian Memes - 8299690752
Created by Megamean09

The Face That Greets You in Hell

mareep shinies gengar - 8213368320
Created by Erica.Lopunny

You Can Miss Out With Repels

rage comic repel Sad shinies - 6547512064