

Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Cheesy Pun, I Choose You!

excel entei pun
Via buddhas-boner

That Pun Was Metagross

pokemon memes tentacruel world

The Mona Lisia

Pokémon ORAS mona lisa puns - 8416976128
Via surgeonamy

At Least It Isn't Vile

pokemon memes oddish fetish
Via Safely Endangered

Brock is the Best

brock anime puns funny - 7541349888

Nobody Understands Our Love for Each Other

Pokémon IRL puns dating Pokemon Y - 7873245696
Created by Pokemon_Trainer_Nobody ( Via Pokémon Trainer Nobody )

Looking Good, Dawn

pokemon memes trainer dawn
Via pokemon-global-academy

Trust Me Guys, It Is!

puns hoopa - 8479716608
Created by YakuzaDuragon


gifs Fan Art puns pinsir - 8270029568
Created by YakuzaDuragon ( Via derpadex )

This is the Best Poké-Pun I've Got

puns relicanth - 8236524032
Created by Sephiroth1993

Ghetsis is the Best Doctor

Pokémon puns ghetsis - 7769327104

Poképuns, Poképuns Eveywhere

Pokémon puns pokepuns - 8247925760
Via Syythian

No Wonder Espurr Always Looks Damaged

puns Pokémon espurr - 7992456192
Via lyndseylittle

How Aura You Guys?

puns Pokémon lucario web comics - 8375451392
Via beapeabear

Happy May Day!

puns may Pokémon - 8170809088
Via Google

Fancy a Cuppa Tea?

eevee puns Pokémon pokepuns - 8375781120
Created by Madoka_Kaname