
professor oak

Reframe: Not Sure if Male or Female

ash gary professor oak Rage Comics Reframe - 5309538816
Created by wrightri

Somehow I Don't See You Evolving Golbat into Crobat Any Time Soon...

professor oak pokemon logic - 8748122112
Created by Mamalugia

Selfie Game Too Strong

professor oak selfie - 8473255936
Created by Guilherme.didi

TrollFessor Oak

attack meme Memes professor oak wild pokemon - 5286288896
Created by Shado85

Why Pokémon Battle

Battle Pokémon professor oak web comics - 7948313088
Created by Canada714 ( Via ky-nim )

Aw, Haiiil No

Via liquidoux_snake_

Classic: Now is Not the Time to Use That!

IRL professor oak Pokémon - 8197164800
Via RedVillian

This is Not the Time and Place for That!

pokemon memes professor oak indoor cycle

Bout to Get a Professor Oak Scolding

Via pokebrains

They Are My Favorite!

professor oak rage comic Rage Comics starters - 6406923264
Created by thecheezykiwi

Irate Professor

professor oak Pokémon - 8436044544
Via gabasonian

"Who Are You? Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here?"

professor oak Pokémon Sad web comics - 8306865152
Via theghost2

Professor Oak Hurt Himself In His Confusion

confusion female meme Memes mr-mime professor oak - 5400130560

Professor Oak's Research - Useless

professor oak research TCG the internets trainer card useless - 6062319872
Created by alspawn

Freddie Wants to Ride His Bike

professor oak freddie mercury Pokémon web comics - 7901096448
Via ReadySoupComic
lavender town professor oak oh god why Video childhood ruined - 46652929

The Pokémon Hoarder

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