

Thank You for Sparing Me, Magikarp!

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Created by Guilherme.didi
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Unexplored Facts of Mewtwo's Origin

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Fight for What You Believe In

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Step Aside for a REAL Legendary Pokémon

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Think You Could Keep the Ultimate Pokémon Down?

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Via ivanp

Lessons We Forget

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Created by Unknown

Mewtwo and Charizard Figures

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Created by Sosuke

All 151 Original Pokémon Liked the Clone Fight

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Created by shadknasty

Everything is Better With Hugs

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Created by DiamondDragonFrost

How Did Mega Mewtwo Get Those Arms?

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Created by Houndoom-Kaboom ( Via vaneetra )

Confirmed: Mewtwo Loves Pizza

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Created by YakuzaDuragon

The Master Ball in the Games Vs. the Anime

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Via gabasonian


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Created by Houndoom-Kaboom

Kinda Sawks for Him Huh?

Via @_MasterRED_

I Love Mew All

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Via FYeahFirstGenPokemon

Meanwhile at Mewtwo's Desk

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Created by When I was your age, we couldn't walk in tall grass without backup ( Via Facebook )