

The Miracle of Evolution

comic evolution Evolve level up shellder slowpoke - 5551831808
Created by pokeTORFdot0

These Pokémon Just Want to Evolve

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Via It's Birdy

The Sad Truth About Evolution

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Created by ProffessorOak ( Via Time Cowboy )

I See What Game Freak Did There

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Evolution Takes Many Forms

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Created by InnocenceExorcist

This is How Chespin Evolves

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Via Furreon

Have Anything to Say About This, Peta?

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Via loldwell

Your Nigelkarp Has Evolved!

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Created by jasenandstuff

So Cute!

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Created by Chafuter

The Evolution of Blastoise

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Created by YakuzaDuragon

Evolution Makes Comeplete Sense if You Think About it

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Who's the Big Pokémon Now?

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Via hardcorepokemaniac


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IRL Evolution

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My How You've Grown

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Why Pokémon Need Happiness to Evolve

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