

Evolution Takes Many Forms

bad luck brian evolution Memes Pokémon video games - 6091074048
Created by InnocenceExorcist

Has Evolution Gone Too Far?

evolution video games - 6958156288
Created by Basmaster9

Pokémon Evolutions

ash evolution Evolve impossibru rage comic - 6056695808
Created by eelan92

Your Nigelkarp Has Evolved!

gyarados magikarp evolution Memes nigel thornberry - 7371441152
Created by jasenandstuff

An Everlasting Friendship

evolution Fan Art Pokémon Sad - 8173143040
Created by YakuzaDuragon

And So the Theory of Evolution Was Born

evolution Pokémon - 8337560576
Created by LeVeya ( Via twistedspeedo )

Be Proud of Who You Are

evolution Pokémon - 8450185984
Via CaptButterToast

Haters Never Evolve

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Let's Hope it's a Pre-Evolution of Those Three

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Created by Champion Joey
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Top 10 Hardest Pokemon to Evolve

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The Source of Most Evolutions

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Created by Unknown

I Mean... They Evolve!

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Where is Your God Now?

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Created by TomKStones

Who's the Big Pokémon Now?

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Via hardcorepokemaniac

Evolution Makes Comeplete Sense if You Think About it

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Before and After the Wedding

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Created by Nid200