

Pikachu Evolved

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Created by GoldPKMN

The Evolution of a Togepi

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Via gracekraft

How Studying Marine Biology Can Ruin Your Childhood

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Created by Fisherman
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Watch This Clever Animation Use Pokémon Logic to Explain Why Some Animals Never Evolve

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Haters Never Evolve

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Lots of Stages

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Created by Dave316

Where is Your God Now?

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Created by TomKStones

IRL Evolution: Hey Gurl Hey

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Via Reddit

Are You Okay With These Evolutions?

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Maybe You Need to Trade It to Evolve!

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Right in the Science

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Created by Unknown

Talonflame is the Final Evolution of Fletchling

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Created by Furral

Every Type Should Have an Eeveelution

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Created by Dontwannatell

Have Anything to Say About This, Peta?

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Via loldwell

Every Single Time

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Created by Forrest

Evolve Me Maybe

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Via Byronb