

magikarp power

evolution gyarados magikarp rage voting-page - 4878457856
Created by evilweasel24


best of week biology charmander class evolution IRL - 5949667584
Created by Chris-007


cute evolution pichu pikachu raichu voting-page - 6580295680
Via volmise

Eeveelution Methods

art best of week eeveelution evolution Evolve - 5874498304
Created by Unknown

I Guess Being an Arceus Faced Bug Makes People Forget You Exist

bugs evolution Pokémon larvesta - 7905228032
Created by PlasmoidThunder

Koffing Doesn't Enjoy Evolving

evolution gifs weezing Koffing - 8287954432
Via samimation

Diglett Wednesday: That Evolution is So Creative!

diglett diglett wednesday evolution meme Memes - 6403105024

The Sad Truth About Evolution

evolution tentacool tentacruel - 7967225344
Created by ProffessorOak ( Via Time Cowboy )

Socially Pressured Eevee

comic eevee evolution Good Guy Greg - 6389703168
Created by KBABZ42

The Best Study of Evolution

book evolution Pokébooks - 6307636736

Gible the Land Shark

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Evolution... It's a Thing

Pokémon evolution professor oak Memes - 8059643904
Created by Houndoom-Kaboom

The Difference Between Digimon and Pokémon

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Via kagekubi

Fire/Psychic or GTFO

evolution chespin Memes firefighting types - 6997938944
Created by DeltaFlame


evolution IRL evolution Memes muscles old spice timburr - 6176673536

Solosis' Quick Evolution

gifs evolution solosis - 8053747712
Via samimation