

This Really Will Change a Lot of Things

clefairy comics fairy types dragon types - 7563517696
Created by AlexYurian ( Via kounyoukai )

Pretty Accurate Emerald Starting Place

pokemon emerald art comics - 7711804160
Created by Zorua ( Via epifex )

Mega Gengar Looks Mega Amazing

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Via byronb

"Asking for a Friend"

pokemon memes asking for a friend
Via staceyleephillips

How Does This Work?

paralyzed comics pokemon yellow articuno - 7639854080
Created by Kurasiu ( Via crashpl )

I'm Still Here, Bro

evolution comics shedinja - 7322191872

Gyarados Can Just Wear it on His Tongue

gyarados Pokémon comics - 7303121920
Via EpicArtifex

Professor Oak Needs to Do More Research

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Via Nerd Rage Comic

Silver Vs. Gold

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Via firehorse6

One Theory Comes to Fruition

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Via Sephko

If Ash Had a Legendary

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Created by badgrahics ( Via Bad Graphics )

Garbodor's Feels

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Via phychoticsilence

The Most Romantic Moment in Psyduck History

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Via Pokémon Master Tyrell

Pyroar is So Hot Right Now

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Via QuadForceFive

Nature Doesn't Mean Anything, Love Your Pokémon All the Same

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Via Sa-Dui

Wobbuffet is Very Hungry Now

Pokémon comics wobbuffet - 7631010048
Created by DavidArchulleta