

And I Never Will

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I Think This Trainer Got a Defective Charmander

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Charmander is Evolving, Quickly!

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Via brakken

You Can't Make Me Mature!

Via Loldwell

Remember Kids, Don't Use Charmander

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Via thegaminglife

Gold, Gold, Black?

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Created by BloodyPooProductions

Then and Now

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Created by Unknown

Don't Hate. Dragonite Is Fabulous

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Created by Jesse

Who Turned the Lights On?

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Via sketchinthoughts


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It's Not a Healthy Friendship

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See all captions Created by AliNoir

Evolution in 8-bit

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Via fypokemon.tumblr.com

Scumbag Gary

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Created by LoquaciousT

Close Enough...

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Pokémon ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

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Via aceSakirfice

Haunter Used Lick

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Created by aelita_tealeaf