Geek Life

People Say This to Me All the Time

Super Mario bros - 8397323520
Created by davidbyronhicks

Now Kiss

movies Fan Art pacific rim - 7682858496
Created by Sosuke ( Via Irma 'Aimo' Ahmed )

Well You've Certainly Taken My Heart Away!

cosplay kingdom hearts soldier video games - 5873007616
Created by Unknown
Aliens toys sdcc 2013 Video - 52780545

a wonderful story, about a kind toy company

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beer pong - 58558209

Brightest Beer Pong Table Ever!

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Somebody Turned Harry Into a Snowman!

Harry Potter winter - 7977997312
Via fansnaruto-oldiblog


anime cosplay - 6233145344
Created by GalderGollum ( Via Vampy Bit Me )

Emperor Be Damned

cosplay snow white darth vader - 8313011200
Created by Unknown
cosplay Video - 52781057

Want to See How the Semi-Professionals Do It?

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Need a Good Book?

for sale books - 7755531008
Via Innovations

My DIY Wand Is Holly and Dragon Heartstring

Harry Potter DIY - 8298969856
Via MuggleNet

To Infinity and Beyond!

buzz lightyear cosplay movies pixar toy story - 6403033600
Via nwpark

Lichtenstein Print IRL

cosplay art - 6799582208
Created by Unknown

Amazing Nightingale Cosplay

cosplay video games Skyrim - 7884894208
Created by Mangoloo ( Via labinnak )

This Steampunk Ghostbuster Cosplay is Fantastic!

cosplay Steampunk - 8528660480
Via geeksaresexy

Companion cube box

companion cube Portal - 8243153408
Created by Kittysaysrawr19 ( Via xxpolkadotxx )