Geek Life

Cosplay Time!

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Created by MudFish
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HolograFX-A futuristic magic set

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Crow T. Robot & Tom Servo Cosplay

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The Green Lantern Baby Quilt Is There In The Darkest Nights

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Via Jenny's Quilts

Star Lords

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Via lategoodbye

I Watched You While You Were Sleeping

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Created by JRabon1600

We're Not Here to Sell Cookies

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Created by butterflyperception

Peach Power

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Via Red Bubble

Look at This Awesome Gyrados Cosplay

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Via Reddit

That Kaiju Doesn't Stand a Chance

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Via regourso
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A Cosplay Roundup from MCM London Comic Con

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Mom Should Have No Trouble Beaming You Up for a Shower Now

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Via Think Geek

That Really Ruffles My Feathers

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Via kinslayer13

Some Time Ago in a Cooler Galaxy Than Ours

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Via OutlandArmour

Attack on Cosplay

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Via atelierheidi

Golden Girl Legos: Thank You For Being A Friend

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Via Golden Brick Ladies