Doctor Who

clara oswin oswald

This IS Sexually Confusing

12th Doctor clara oswin oswald - 8366742272
Via 11thdoctr


clara oswin oswald doctor who - 7288769024
Created by chibi-chan1296

The Newest Doctor Who Villain

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Via Doctor Kawaii

Why Do Think It Plays on Christmas?

clara oswin oswald 12th Doctor ship - 8408476160
Via myopicfriend

The Only Thing We Want From Series 8

12th Doctor clara oswin oswald classic who - 8177600256
Via trenzalew on Twitter

We All Wanted a Female Doctor

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Via attackoneyebrows

Can't Take Your Eyes Off Him

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Via Doctor Who Fans

Burned Into Her Retinas

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Via Doctor Who on Tumblr

Danny Defeats The Hover Hand

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Via spleenymate

Amy: The Girl Who Waited For Dinner

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Via Jimmie Carroll
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Make It Snappy

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Jenna Coleman and Michelle Gomez Caught On Set In Spain

Via brightstarclara

The First Warning Sign

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Via vonlovesmattsmith

I Don't Think Anyone's Falling For It

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Via Doctor Who Hub

Always Time For Scones

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Ask a Stupid Question

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Via pushedintothetardis
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