video games


It's a Big Day for Fallout 4


Nintendo's First Mobile Exploit Is an Addictive Social Experience That Hits the West Thursday

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The 'Dark Souls 3' Accursed Trailer Would Make Hades Himself Soil His Pants

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Are Getting Remastered for Xbox One

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Father.IO Is Trying to Bring Massive Multiplayer, Augmented Reality Laser Tag To Everyone's Phones

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Players Found the Closest Thing to Wavedashing in Smash Bros. 4


The Internet's Head Over Heels For Fallout 4's Sexy Codsworth


Either Somebody's Gettin' Canned For Leaking These New Pretty Shots of the NX Controller, or This Is Just Evil Trickery

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These Two Recently Crowned Halo World Champs Warn You Gotta' Stray Away From The eGroupies

Ubisoft is teasing some new game with this cave painting live stream.

What is Ubisoft Teasing with This Mysterious Cave Painting Live Stream?

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Telltale Releases the First Trailer for Minecraft Story Mode

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Epic Reveals 'Bullet Train', Their First Virtual Reality Game. Oh, and It Looks Amazing.

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The Angry Birds Movie Has an A-list Cast

Mariah Carey takes the place of Kate Upton in this Game of War commercial.

Switcheroo of the Day: Watch Mariah Carey Replace Kate Upton in Her First Game of War Spot

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Bethesda Prepares You For Fallout 4 With the First in a Series of Educational Videos

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Markiplier and MissesMae School Jimmy Kimmel on Let's Playing