video game coverage

A metal gear solid cafe is open in Paris.

A Temporary Metal Gear Solid Café is Open in France

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Gears of War Creator Cliff Bleszinski Finally Reveals His Next Game — LawBreakers

YouTube launches its video game streaming site.

Game Streaming of the Day: YouTube Launches Their Twitch Competitor

destiny nolan north bungie peter dinklage Video Game Coverage - 73794305

Bungie Dropped a Teaser for Destiny's Taken King Expansion, Featuring Peter Dinklage's Replacement

metal gear solid V trailers video games hideo kojima Video Game Coverage - 73793793

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain's Final Trailer is Here. Yes It's Full of Melancholy and 5 Minutes Long.

Nintendo announced release dates for star fox zero and xenoblade chronicles x.

NIntendo Dropped a Lot of Info This Morning, Including Release Dates for Star Fox Zero and Xenoblade Chronicles X

Sony announces playstation plus games for September.

Here's Your Free Playstation Plus Games for September

Nintendo announces a mega yarn yoshi amiibo.

Set Your Faces to Awww: Nintendo Announces a Mega Yarn Yoshi Amiibo

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Viral Marketing of the Day: Dave Franco, Colin Kaepernick and Gronk Join Forces to Promote Madden 16 in This Very Silly Video

pikachu release date pokken tournament Video Video Game Coverage - 73706497

Pokkén Tournament is Coming to Wii U Next Spring!

Nintendo lowers the price on the 2DS.

Nintendo's Non-3 Dimensional Handheld Gets a $30 Price Drop

Man arrested for trying to steal a playstation 4 in his pants.

Florida of the Day: Man Tries to Steal Playstation 4 in Pants. Surprisingly Gets Caught.

Japan's D23 expo will have more Kingdom hearts news.

Get Ready for More Kingdom Hearts III Come Japan's D23 Expo

Mario Maker makes a mockery of Mario by turning him into Luigi.

Monstrosity of the Day: What Has Nintendo Done to Mario in His Newest Game?

Ubisoft delays Rainbow Six Seige into December.

Fall Back, Soldiers — Rainbow Six Siege Gets Delayed into December

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Watch This Player Beat Spelunky in 101 Seconds and Set a New World Record