
harry-potter potter potter-heads hogwarts harry-potter-memes memes wizards witches wizarding world hogwarts-memes dumbledore jk rowling

46 Muggleborn Memes for Harry Potter Fans With 50,625 Galleons in Their Vault at Gringotts (November 9, 2023)

36 harry potter memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of two people including 'Mouth - Remarkable, isn't it, how quickly the venam of the Basilisk penetrates the body? cooba22 Not a good enough reason to use the word 'penetrate". This one wins' and one picture of text including 'Font - elsiesnuffin: I've spent some time wondering at Dumbeldore's rational for hiring Gilderoy Lockhart and I've reached the following conclusion. When Dumbledore met Lockhart, all he thought was "Oh, this is going'

36 Harry Potter Memes More Useful Than Your Last Defense Against The Dark Arts Teacher

35 wizard memes | Thumbnail includes one picture of a wizard including 'World - omw to distract myself from destructive thoughts' and one picture of text including 'Font - Anonymous said oi evil wizard whatre your pronouns evilwizard that which festers / that which spreads / that which lives on in the underworld'

35 Magical Memes For Real Wizards That Didn't Need A Letter To Hogwarts

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46 Harry Potter Memes to Stupefy Muggles That Venture Too Close to the Womping Willow

38 harry potter memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Outerwear - I CAN'T GO TO TACO BELL, I'M ON AN ALL-CARB DIET! GOD,VOLDEMORT, YOU'RE SO STUPID!!! Rece' and 'Coat - yo momma is so fat her patronus is A CAKE.'

38 Hilarious Harry Potter Memes To Lumos Your Day

Wand at the Ready: 40 Harry Potter Memes for Hogwarts Students Casting Spells in the Gryffindor Common Room

Wand at the Ready: 40 Harry Potter Memes for Hogwarts Students Casting Spells in the Gryffindor Common Room

wizard wizards witch witches wizarding-world harry-potter harry potter sorting-hat funny reddit reddit-thread shower-thoughts villain slytherin gryffindor hufflepuff ravenclaw hogwarts sorting-hat

'Wizarding caste system': The Sorting Hat gets roasted on Reddit for being more villainous than Voldemort, tribal conflict develops in the comment section

Expecto Patronum: 33 Harry Potter Memes for Hogwarts Students Casting Spells in the Gryffindor Common Room

Expecto Patronum: 33 Harry Potter Memes for Hogwarts Students Casting Spells in the Gryffindor Common Room

an article about the harry potter reboot coming to HBO | thumbnail includes a picture of harry potter and Lord Voldemort facing off

The Harry Potter Reboot: A Wingardium Leviosa Lift-off or a Muggle's Misstep?

Funny memes about Dungeons & Dragons

D&D Memes For Those Who Can't Get Their Damn Party Together

cops scifi wizard Video - 76071681

Wizard Cops is the Best, Weirdest Video I've Watched All Day

Harry Potter roleplay wizard - 69194241

Those Harry Potter LARPers are Back With a Full Wizarding School Experience

wtf deadpool wizard - 7400321536

What Kind of Sorcery Is This?

art deadpool awesome wizard - 6864767232

Wizard Deadpool, Nuff Said.

Super-Lols wizard - 6104975360

Don't They Just Open Automatically?

gifs Harry Potter hipster It Came From the Interwebz wizard - 5868763136

Hipster Wizards