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After 100 Hours of Work, Guy Successfully Recreates Jerry Seinfeld's Apartment in Classic DOOM

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That Moment When You Find out Joe Rogan's a Badass Who Payed $10,000 a Month for T1 Line to Play Quake

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Watch Jon Snow's Hysterically Perfect Tribute to Leeroy Jenkins

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Star Wars Trailer Re-Edited for Suicide Squad Style Will Smack a Genuine Smile on Your Face

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Artist Puts Together Awesome Collection of X-Men for the 90's

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Guy Imagines Posters For Honest Steam Greenlight Games and They're Painfully Accurate


Korean Woman so Good at Overwatch That a Couple Pro Gamers Said They'd Quit If She Wasn't Cheating, and Now the Two Are Outta the Game

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Sir Ian Mckellen Gives a Dramatic Reading of Fate/Stay Night That Will Send Soul Shivers down the Back Your Spine

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Clever Guy Playing Dark Souls 3 Hides in Plain Sight from an Invader Better than a Bat in a Cave

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Players Are Already Decoding the Hylian Alphabet Seen in the Trailer for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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Star Wars Actor John Boyega Visits Demelza to Spend Time with Seriously Ill Children at His Local Hospice

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Dude Devotes Himself to Building Jirachi in Minecraft, and It Was Totally Worth It

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Don't Worry This Amazing Ghostbusters Remake is Made Entirely of LEGOs (and a Few Hilarious Crossover Cameos)

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Artist Reimagines Every Game of Thrones House With Pokémon and the Results Are Gold


Steampunk-Esque Prosthetic Arm Can Draw Tattoos and Looks Like Something You'd Use in BioShock

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Square Enix Partners with Acclaimed Prosthetics Creator 'Open Bionics' to Create Version of Prosthetic Hand Adam Jensen Uses in Deus Ex