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You Can Live Like Spongebob Squarepants Himself in This IRL Pineapple House!

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Watch a 3-Year-Old Pilot Give You a New Hope in This Incredible Scene-For-Scene Recreation of the Death Star Trench Run

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Final Fantasy XV Masks Make Everyone Really, Really, Ridiculously Good Looking

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Watch This Person Live down Any Pokémon Fans' Childhood Dream as They Open an $11,000 Booster Box

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Level Up Through Super Mario World in 81,032 Dominoes

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An Artist Drew Pokémon as People and These Definitely Need Their Own Manga Series

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This Artist's Awesome Pokémon Fusions Deserve a Game of Their Own


Petition Aims to Change U.S. National Anthem to Best Sonic Adventures 2 Song

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Watching This Will Make Your Thoughts Switch From Why Pokémon are Dancing to Ariana Grande to Why You Can't Dance That Well

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Guy Playing Pokémon GO Live-Tweets the Ridiculous Number of Rare Pokémon He Encounters in His Condo

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The Star Trek Beyond Cast Dubsmash Is About to Brighten Your Day


Tom Holland Visits Children's Hospital Dressed up as Spider-Man

pikacuh small adaptable rodent like pokemon notable for their electrical abilities pikachu are covered in bright yellow fur with brown accents on the tips of their antennae their tail is used for balance when standing upright and can signal the creature's mood they are omnivorous but with small mouths blunted teeth and clumsy paws pikachu can only eat meat opportunistically

The PokéNatomy Art Series Provides a Fascinating Look at How Some of Our Favorite Pokémon Function Internally


New York Farm Creates Spot-On Super Mario Bros. Corn Maze

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The Rogue One Commentating We Deserve


Pokémon GO Credited for Reviving a Once-Struggling Ice Cream Shop