video games

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Players Are Sharing Their Hilarious Encounters with Final Fantasy XV Glitches, and They're Too Good


Something Ridiculous Happens If You Watch The Death Stranding Trailers Side By Side

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The Gameplay Trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda Is Finally Here

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Hideo Kojima Premieres New 'Death Stranding' Trailer at Game Awards 2016

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8 Ridiculous Ways GTA V Players Have Tried to Stop a Train

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Guy Crafts Real Life Version of Genji's Sword from Overwatch and Shows It off in Action


Khajiit has Wares, It You Have Coin

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People Share Their Fondest Memories in World of Warcraft to Honor the Game's 12th Anniversary

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People Are Finding and Sharing Some Pretty Ridiculous Glitches in Pokémon Sun and Moon

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3-Year-Old Renames All the Characters in Overwatch for One Equally Amazing and Adorable Feat

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Watch This Dude Demonstrate How People Can Now Play DOOM on Their Macbook Touch Bar

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Pokémon Sun and Moon Is Finally Out, and Fans Are Already Confirming That Slowpoke Tails are Still Tasty


Yo, Blizzard, What Gives?

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Guy Reimagines Pokémon as 19th Century Art, and the Results are Stunning

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Honest Trailer for Pokémon X & Y Aims to Give Them All 'Accurate' New Names

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Gamers Discuss Those Tiny Details of Video Games That Blew Their Minds