Geek Universe

video game memes

29 Mario Kart Memes That'll Make You Relive the Agony of the Blue Shell

29 Mario Kart Memes That'll Make You Relive the Agony of the Blue Shell

Yoshi or bust
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gaming gaming-memes memes gamer gamers gamer-memes video-games video-game-memes relatable relatable-memes funny ps5 playstation xbox pc loot

40 Relatable Gamer Memes to Loot Before the Next 60GB Update

Do you accept this side mission?
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66 video game memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Product - Bored man hacks into giant billboard so he can play Runescape while stuck in traffic By Independent (UK) October 6, 2016 j 13 b f h H 13 billboard and broadcasting a video game to thousands of people stuck in a traffic jam.' and 'Organism - wealthy... rileycoyote7 vest-on-my-chest Finally got around to mowing the lawn today... I'm so glad I get this. Source:vest-on-my-chest'

50+ Memes For Elder Gamers Whose Pronouns are Hey/Listen

In our deepest of nightmares, we can still hear that annoying voice screaming "Hey, listen!" for hours
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31 memes about red dead redemption | thumbnail includes two pictures of red dead redemption memes

31 Red Dead Redemption 2 Memes the Entire Gang Could Enjoy

All you need to enjoy these meme is just some G*d D*mn Faith!
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streaming video game memes streamer twitch-memes gamers gamer girls video games IRL video games twitch - 21529605

Gamer Girls: 25 Memes Showing That Girls Love Playing Video Games Too

Gamer girls are just as obsessed with video games as dudes.
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32 legend of zelda memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cartoon - I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I BEAT THE WATER TEMPLE IN THE LEGEND OF ZELDA IN 53 DAYS AND I ONLY RAGED 52 TIMES' and 'Cloud - MARE J D'

Ocarina Of Laughs: 32 Laugh-Out-Loud Legend of Zelda Memes to Guide You on a Comedic Quest Through Hyrule

Hey, listen! Hey, listen!
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gamer gamer-memes gaming gaming-memes gamers relatable relatable-gamer-memes memes video-games funny lol humor

Press R3 for LOLs: 20 Rib-Tickling Gamer Memes for Button Mashers Who Live For Side Quests

20 relatable gamer memes to look at while your new game finishes downloading
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social anxiety video game memes no friends angry video game nerd your friends are laughing at you video games socially awkward video game logic social life - 20655877

20+ Memes For Gamers Who Prioritize Video Games Over Human Interaction

Does human interaction really matter all that much when you have video games to play?
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Gaming memes, video games, memes about side quests, weapons | man mowing the lawn while a hurricane approaches Main Story Side quests | spend all Exp leveling up just starter weapon

Nerdy Gaming Memes That Don't Require A Controller

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video game memes list video game logic - 1694469

30 Times Video Games Were Entirely Logical

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gaming memes

34 Gaming Memes to Press START on Your Saturday

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When friend who actually knows how to play joins your team

Via ArnoldSwarzeneggersLeftNipple

You can always tell

video game memes - 9014775808
Via pinteresst

Snipers in different games. Now updated with Destiny.

video game memes - 9012151552
Via Imgur

Best feeling ever

video game memes - 9012147456
Via DafRossi

Best feeling ever

video game memes - 9009029888
Via DafRossi