Geek Universe

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Funny memes about Star Trek | cheese factory exploded France s awful. Riker's Beard is. Da Brie is everywhere pun debris | Neil deGrasse Tyson O @neiltyson Jun 30, 2019 full electromagnetic spectrum contains all colors rainbow, as well as unlimited (invisible) colors extend "above Red and "beneath Violet, such as seen via VISOR worn by @StarTrek's Geordi, played by @LevarBurton. 197 ?689 8.3K LeVar Burton @levarburton 8h Also. everyone naked. 109 27 133 4.8K @BrentSpiner 8h Brent Spiner explains

Twenty-Six 'Star Trek' Memes For Any Kind Of Trekkie

Memes for the Trekkies!
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Funny Spongebob memes about the pandemic, quarantine | Everyone can't just spend quarantine watching old Spongebob looking memes Observe. VA30 Larry the lobster lifting weights | realize wasting another year my life but first year 's not my fault Squidward in bed

Fifteen Silly Spongebob Memes: Pandemic Edition

Aye aye captain!
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Funny memes about 'Regular Show' | Rigby Mordecai Skips increasingly buff Spongebob | Kyle's mom after arguing with him and realizing he has point: Well, yeah. But, now there's big hole wall!

Sixteen Amusing Memes For The 'Regular Show' Fans

"Nothing beats drinking joe with my bro"
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funny law and order svu memes | Person - *SVU Theme Song Plays after hearing 400th time dancing to svu theme song

Funny Law & Order: SVU Memes

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Funny memes about the TV show The Witcher starring Henry Cavill | harry potter sitting in front of the mirror of erised: does this mirror do, professor shows us nothing more or less than deepest, most desperate desire our hearts Witcher Season 2. following a girl around with a trumpet: geralt dandelion

Whole Crap-Ton Of 'Witcher' Memes For The Addicts Who Can't Get Enough

People are seriously loving this show.
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Funny memes and moments from 'Doctor Who' | Donna is Italian word lady, Temple derives Latin word tempus meaning time, and Noble is another word lord. String them together and get Lady Time Lord

Sixteen Of Our Favorite 'Doctor Who' Moments

Some memes and moments for the Whovians!
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Funny memes and moments from the TV show 'Doctor Who'

Fifteen 'Doctor Who' Memes And Moments For The Hardcore Whovians

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CBS Has Cast Supergirl

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Binge Watch of the Day: Netflix is Producing a ‘Lemony Snicket’ TV Series

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ABC Continues SHIELD, And Green Lights New Marvel Series

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A New Trailer For "Gotham", Premiering This Fall on Fox

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This Etsy User Makes Kids' Books Out of Our Favorite Shows and Video Games

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12 Shows to Binge Watch on Netflix During Winter Storm Hercules

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