the internets

29 Oddly Specific WikiHow Articles and Their Bizarre, Questionable, Yet Sometimes Poignant Illustration

29 Oddly Specific WikiHow Articles and Their Bizarre, Questionable, Yet Sometimes Poignant Illustrations

Weird and Wacky Wikipedia Entries Unearthed from the Depths of the Internet for Your Scrolling Pleasure

Weird and Wacky Wikipedia Entries Unearthed from the Depths of the Internet for Your Scrolling Pleasure

36 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

We Love the Web: Best Internet nuggets of the week (September 7, 2023)

35 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

We Love the Web: Best Internet nuggets of the week (September 3, 2023)

31 smartass answers | thumbnail includes two pictures of smartass answers

Smartass Replies & Cyberspace Sass: 31 Epic Clapbacks From the World Wide Web

22 memes about the internet | thumbnail includes two pictures of memes about the internet

Welcome to the Internet: 22 Memes That Perfectly Capture the Absurdity of the World Wide Web

20 memes about the internet | thumbnail includes two pictures of memes about the internet

20 Internet Memes About the Internet for You to Read on the Internet

20 memes about the internet | thumbnail includes two pictures of memes about the internet

20 Hilarious Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Our Relationship with the Internet

26 memes about the internet | thumbnail includes two pictures of memes about the internet

26 Random Memes About The Depths Of The Interwebs That Folks Can Likely Relate To

a collection of memes from the early days of the internet| thumbnail includes two pictures including chuck Norris and the i can has cheezburger cat

Blast from the Past: 20 Early Internet Memes That Defined a Simpler Time

MEmes about IT professionals

Funny Memes and Tweets For & About IT Professionals

nostalgic memes, 90's kids memes.

18 Memes & Pics That'll Trigger All You 90's Kids

Funny tweets from @internetofshit about technology, capitalism, internet | tweet by internetofshit will be remembered Al takes over Gary Turner Not shitting but actually just rescued robot distress on street after someone had tipped over. This is one those weird dreams, right. internetofshit moment desire death Selfie Bottle Coca-Cola TASTE FEELING bottle with a camera mounted on it

22 Cringey Times Technology Went Too Far

funny truths that are just undeniable off tumblr

32 Funny Truths From The Depths Of Tumblr


Pretty Much Sums up Dat Profound Connection Between One's Soul and Anime

deadpool internet Such a Touching Story

Such a Touching Story

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