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'I can't find my phone': 30 Things we say in 2023 that would make absolutely no sense to a time traveler from 1970

My laptop can't charge my book and my cigarette at the same time.
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Tumblr thread on dungeons and dragons campaign | thouartathaumaturgeharry O battlecrazed-axe-mage forgamers They should make co- op game where and buddy go through many levels, leveling up and beating bosses But final boss is each other were my brother Player 2 | crunchthedeerstroyer one time did campaign DND where entire party woke up trash heap, memories wiped man shining white armor approached them. He helped them up, healed them, and helped them escape essentially dump and find their way

Tumblr Thread: Inspired DND Campaign Is a Feels Trip

Critical hit in the feelings.
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Tumblr Thread on the collateral damage the Mythbusters caused | switch-up-snowfox Follow Oh cannonball ain't nothin compared esparto incident. nate2247 Follow now switch-up-snowfox Follow They were testing phrase "knock socks off" and because its mythbusters build team (which consists 3 boom addicted gremlins) they decided go quarry near Esparto california test myth by blowing shit up. This time they got 500 pounds ANFO detonation pretty damn big.

Tumblr Thread: Collateral Damage Caused by Mythbusters

Sometimes things got out of hand.
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Employee maliciously complies with free donut day and bully coworkers | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/grillbuster5 11 hours ago is MY day buy donuts entire office as new person Well OK oc M As new person" at my job told multiple times expected provide donuts entire office. Normally s not big deal but two people particular were rude and relentless about donuts all week. Others joined also. Apparently, these people recently extorted two boxes Krispy Kremes someone else.

New Employee is Not Having Free Donut Day

Line in the sand.
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customer realizes they've been scammed 6 years later | u/kingsooraj 7 hours ago TIFU by realising got scammed 6 years ago M So this happened 6 years ago. My laptop with 8 GB RAM stopped working so showed repair guy. He took laptop, repaired and returned after 2 days laptop started working again and really happy. However speed felt slower than before. Previously could open multiple chrom tabs and still be able play games while they were open but now would drop lot frames and my laptop would start

Customer Realizes They Were Scammed 6 Years Later

Better late than never?
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Tumblr Thread on Patrol Ghost Ship Submarines | pipistrellus STILL ON PATROL learned something new and horrifying today which is no submarine is ever considered "lost there is apparently tradition U.S. Navy no submarine is ever lost. Those go sea and do not return are considered be "still on patrol There is monument about this along canal near here its worst thing have ever seen says "STILL ON PATROL huge letters and then goes on specify exactly many WWII submarine ghosts are STILL OUT THERE

Tumblr Thread: The Still On-Patrol Submarines

Yeah, that's wild.
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Dad asks God for forgiveness after making mistake in grand theft auto | r/tifu Posted by u/TheBlackBradPitt 3 hours ago TIFU by making my Dad punch stripper GTA and tearfully ask God forgiveness front my entire family. M encouraged post this here comment made elsewhere, even though didn't happen today, or even this decade, so mods please remove if goes against rules s very funny story though young, my brothers and snuck copy San Andreas into house spent days holed up our basement taking turns

Religious Dad Asks for Forgiveness After Punching Virtual Stripper

It's like real-life Ned Flanders.
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tinder date that invited a whole bunch of men

Twitter Thread Tells How Tinder Temptress Tricks Dozens Into Her Personal Bootleg “Bachelorette”

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Skyrim Player Composes Eye-Watering Saga on His Harrowing Quest to Adopt a Virtual Dog

Via Patrick Lenton

Man, This Story Is Spoopy

twilight sparkle spoopy story - 8425267712
Via Bluegodzill

Douchebag Robert Kirkman

scumbag story - 7109230592
Created by SG3

How About I Tell a Story?

cupcakes story Scootaloo rainbow dash - 6868543232
Created by lisamariefan

Good Try

deadpool story Straight off the Straight off the Page - 6477556224
Created by po7eriba

He's Too Full

captain america Spider-Man story Straight off the Straight off the Page - 6469740544
Created by SimpleAliensLoveSpaceCore

This Story is Awful

cupcakes fanfic meme my little dashie story - 6065360640
Created by DeathByCupcakes

It Made My Day: He'll Grow Up Knowing How to Love and Tolerate

dancing IRL love and tolerate son story win - 5286307328
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