star wars

Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.


Quite the Imperial Looking Cloud, Is It Not?

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How Strong is the Force With Your Obscure Star Wars Characters Knowledge?

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"Throne Wars" Takes Scenes From Game of Thrones and Sets Them to Star Wars Audio

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Watch James Cameron Tiptoe Hardcore Around Whether or Not He Likes 'The Force Awakens'

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This "Game of Star Wars" Artwork is Every Nerd's Wet Dream

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So This is What Luke Has Been up To


James Earl Jones to Return as the Voice of Darth Vader

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Mistakes Are Made When the Ghostbusters Run Into Luke Skywalker

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*Click* to Pay Respect to Your Elders


Darth Vader officially confirmed for Star Wars: Rogue One

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Star Wars Trailer Re-Edited for Suicide Squad Style Will Smack a Genuine Smile on Your Face


Chewbacca Mom Officially Just Got Her Own Star Wars Action Figure

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Star Wars Actor John Boyega Visits Demelza to Spend Time with Seriously Ill Children at His Local Hospice


Miiverse Is the next Myspace

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Playstation Might yet Be Making Our Wildest Dreams Come True by Letting Us Fly Around in Star Wars' X-Wings Thanks to VR


First Galaxy Problems Be Like