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Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.

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This Fresh Star Wars Meme Is All About Destruction & Fake Solutions

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Frog With Snails on Its Head Resembling Princess Leia Inspires Epic Photoshop Battle

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'Glum George Lucas' A Satirical Look Into the Mind of George Lucas and What Star Wars Could Have Been

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Sopping Wet Kylo Ren Gets Meme'd, Makes Twitter Super Horny

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'There is Another' Yoda Memes Are Dank Star Wars Gems

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This Dank Gru Meme Has Completely Taken Over Reddit

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20 Of The Best Cat Wars Memes To Get You Ready For Star Wars

Funny Twitter memes about 'Red-Eyed C-3PO' in the upcoming Star Wars film

'Red-Eyed C-3PO' Resembles A Creepy Stoner (10 Memes)

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24 Dank Memes And Posts That Are Guaranteed To Bring The Spice

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Best Of: Hey Man You See That Guy Over There?

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21 Super Dank Memes... Now With Extra Logan Paul!

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36 Miscellaneous Memes For Your Exceedingly Bored Mind

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15 Witty Tumblr Posts For Those Craving A Dash Of Humor

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The Force is Totally With This Guy Who Turned His Tinder Profile Into a Stormtrooper

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Someone Remade Modern Trailer For Empire Strikes Back and It's Arrestingly Amazing