Geek Universe

smart ass

31 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

We Love the Web: Best Internet nuggets of the week (September 9, 2023)

After a long week of digging around in the endless pit of content that is the Internet, we present to you: Our stuff! These are some of the funniest, most clever, or just absolutely ridiculous nuggets we have stumbled upon. This curated list is a reflection of the wild, wacky, and wonderfully whimsical side of the web. Because after all, The World Wide Web , for all its vastness, is truly a treasure trove of hilarity and absurdity. As we curated this collection, we laughed, we pondered, and yes…
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36 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

We Love the Web: Best Internet nuggets of the week (September 7, 2023)

You can't handle the Truth!
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32 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

Literal Legends and the Art of Being ‘Technically Correct' (September 6, 2023)

You can't handle the Truth!
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35 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

We Love the Web: Best Internet nuggets of the week (September 3, 2023)

You can't handle the Truth!
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30 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

Literal Legends and the Art of Being ‘Technically Correct' (September 3, 2023)

You can't handle the Truth!
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30 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

Literal Legends and the Art of Being ‘Technically Correct' (August 28. 2023)

You can't handle the Truth!
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32 examples of "technically the truth" | thumbnail includes two pictures of technically the truth

We Love the Web: Best Internet nuggets of the week (August 25, 2023)

After a long week of digging around in the endless pit of content that is the Internet, we present to you: Our stuff! These are some of the funniest, most clever, or just absolutely ridiculous nuggets we have stumbled upon. This curated list is a reflection of the wild, wacky, and wonderfully whimsical side of the web. Because after all, The World Wide Web , for all its vastness, is truly a treasure trove of hilarity and absurdity. As we curated this collection, we laughed, we pondered, and yes…
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31 examples of smart ass answers | thumbnail includes two pictures of smart ass answers

31 Unassailable 'You Can't Argue with That' Comebacks for the Ages (August 21, 2023)

31 Times Smart Ass Logic was the Real MVP
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32 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

Literal Legends and the Art of Being ‘Technically Correct' (August 19. 2023)

You can't argue with that!
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28 examples of "technically the truth" | thumbnail includes two pictures of technically the truth

Well Played, Sir: 28 'Can't Argue with That' Moments that Left Us Speechless

28 Moments of Impeccable 'Can't Argue with That' Wisdom
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30 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

Literal Legends and the Art of Being ‘Technically Correct' (30 pics)

You can't argue with that!
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32 examples of "technically the truth" | thumbnail includes two pictures of technically the truth

32 Internet Nuggets Showcasing How Witty and Clever Some People Are

32 Moments of Impeccable 'Can't Argue with That' Wisdom
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31 examples of "technically the truth" | thumbnail includes two pictures of technically the truth

31 Examples of People's Logic That is Just Too Solid to Argue Against

Well Played sir, You just won the internet!
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31 examples of smart-ass logic | thumbnail includes two pictures of Smart-ass logic

31 'Can't Argue With That' Moments: The Art of Winning Internet Debates

Sarcasm, Syntax, and Semantics
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27 examples of smart ass answers | thumbnail includes two pictures of smart ass answers

How to Win on the Internet: 27 Examples of Cyberspace Checkmate

27 Times the Internet Handed out Wins
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33 examples of "technically the truth" | thumbnail includes two pictures of technically the truth

Well Played, Sir: 33 'Can't Argue with That' Moments that Left Us Speechless

33 Moments of Impeccable 'Can't Argue with That' Wisdom
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