Geek Universe


Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

Gotta Cya Later

Pokémon dafuq relationships - 7380734464

My Girlfriend and I Whenever We Watch Ponies Together

gak ponies gifs gak attack relationships gak gak gak gak is back - 7145025792
Created by wcclark ( Via vapgames )

Spike's Relationship Counseling

spike now kiss pinkie pie relationships gummy - 7007177216
Created by cyberwasp35

I'd Wish You Back to Life

speed dating Dragon Ball Z relationships - 6901545728

Girl, Your Breath is Nasty

scifi star wars relationships - 6898158336

That's No Match Made In Heaven

star wars puns relationships - 6717130752

Breakup Advice

doctor who sms relationships voting-page - 6670483200

Why Won't You Love Me?!

Fan Art Harry Potter relationships twilight - 6475750144
Music relationships Video - 39796993

Nerdy Boyfriends are the Best Boyfriends

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Pokémon Relationships

mewtwo Pokémon relationships the internets weezing - 6276438272

Shipping's Purest Form

fandom meme relationships shipping - 6060856320
Created by Cubonator

Boys Are Like Pokémon

Pokémemes Pokémon relationships Sad the internets - 6049484800

Speed Dating: The Ultimate Question

best of week comic geek gtfo nerd Pokémemes relationships - 5857266432
Created by captndan

My sweetie-weetie-honey-bunny-pony-pie!

meme NOOO regret relationships - 5816808448

Use a Master Ball Before It's Too Late

best of week gems IRL master ball relationships third gen - 5812625664
Created by closet-creeper

The Future Is Unown

best of week Memes pikachu relationships unown - 5706554624